Self order kiosk

Perfect solution for cafe, quick service or togo orders
improve productivity
it's simple. it's efficient. it moves the queue!
Let customers order themselves and save labor cost. Increase efficiency even further by having multiple self-order stations
Edit Options
Edit item options to include preferences and add-ons.
  • Free or extra charge
  • Optional or mandatory options
  • Minimum or maximum number of items that can be selected
  • Step by step options
Use Coupon at Kiosk
Merchants can issue customized coupon. Customers can use coupon at Kiosk
Required Items
Add required items before checkout, such as utensils, reusable bags, sauces...
Easily pay with debit/credit card through swipe, dip, tap or with Restmesh Gift Card
Accept Cash Payment
User can also choose to pay at counter while using kiosk for more flexible payment options
Tipping & E-Sign
Once the payment is completed, customers can select tips and sign. Receipt can be printed, sent to email or texted
Pending and ready-for-pick up orders will be displayed on the TV, order numbers will be announced from the TV speaker using any spoken language you prefer, even with your brand's unique sound effects
Text Notification
Customer receives text notifications once the order is ready for pick up
different form factor to maximize your floor plan/layout usage
Tablet Self Order Kiosk
Two Screen Self Order Kiosk
Tablet Self Order Kiosk
Two Screen Self Order Kiosk
Tablet Self Order Kiosk
Dual Screen Self Order Kiosk
Big Screen Self Order Kiosk
Self Checkout Scale
Customizable front page and menu display
Simple order steps for customers
Fully integrated with Restmesh POS
Automatic adjustment of prices for add-ons options or combos
Print order directly to kitchen once payment is completed
eye catching in a mall or on counters

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the upfront costs?

The upfront costs for Toast are hardware and implementation, which vary depending on your specific hardware packages and installation needs. 0% interest financing by application and subject to approval.Within our Starter Package, we also offer the Pay-as-You-Go plan that reduces your upfront hardware and installation costs through an all-in-one platform rate.

Can I use my own hardware?

Certain hardware is compatible with Toast, but we advise against using your own hardware because it prevents us from ensuring your success, as we’re unable to support equipment not purchased through Toast. Using Toast products makes sure your hardware is optimized for your restaurant operations.

Who is the credit card processor?

Toast handles the credit and debit card processing for all of our customers. We believe you should get more from your processor than just statements, so we process cards to benefit our customers. By combining integrated processing with our guest-facing technology, Toast helps our customers capture guest data that can be used to understand their customers and send targeted marketing campaigns. Our processing rates are custom-built based on your business and have no hidden fees so that you don’t get blindsided at the end of each month.

What's the cost for customer care?

Customer care is included in every software subscription, giving you access to real employees via phone, email, and web 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Will I also need to purchase a 4G stick?

Toast point of sale does not need wifi to operate, so you don’t need to purchase a 4G stick. As additional protection, Toast offers an offline mode feature so your Toast Flex and Toast Go® products will continue to operate even if you lose internet connection.


What are the upfront costs?

The upfront costs for Toast are hardware and implementation, which vary depending on your specific hardware packages and installation needs. 0% interest financing by application and subject to approval.Within our Starter Package, we also offer the Pay-as-You-Go plan that reduces your upfront hardware and installation costs through an all-in-one platform rate.

Can I use my own hardware?

Certain hardware is compatible with Toast, but we advise against using your own hardware because it prevents us from ensuring your success, as we’re unable to support equipment not purchased through Toast. Using Toast products makes sure your hardware is optimized for your restaurant operations.

Who is the credit card processor?

Toast handles the credit and debit card processing for all of our customers. We believe you should get more from your processor than just statements, so we process cards to benefit our customers. By combining integrated processing with our guest-facing technology, Toast helps our customers capture guest data that can be used to understand their customers and send targeted marketing campaigns. Our processing rates are custom-built based on your business and have no hidden fees so that you don’t get blindsided at the end of each month.

What's the cost for customer care?

Customer care is included in every software subscription, giving you access to real employees via phone, email, and web 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Will I also need to purchase a 4G stick?

Toast point of sale does not need wifi to operate, so you don’t need to purchase a 4G stick. As additional protection, Toast offers an offline mode feature so your Toast Flex and Toast Go® products will continue to operate even if you lose internet connection.

Still have questions? Email us at